About the project


No. BG14MFOP001-4.103-0005 "Increasing awareness and improving the security and safety of fishermen in Shabla Municipality" is financed under Administrative Contract No. MDR-IP-01-66/14.09.2023 for the provision of grant-in-aid under measure no. BG14MFOP001-4.103 "Investments in diverse public infrastructure related to the fishing community and the marine potential of the territory" from the Strategy for the VOMR of the MIRG "Shabla-Kavarna-Balchik", which is implemented under the Program for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries 2014-2020, co-financed by The European Union through the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.


The project aims to promote social well-being, poverty reduction and economic development in the territory of Shabla-Kavarna-Balchik MIRG, through investments in improving the living environment. It refers to the construction of a centralized system for monitoring weather conditions and video surveillance to improve the security and safety of fishermen in the territory of Shabla municipality. The project proposal is a step towards creating a system of smart points with the aim of providing a modern and modern way of disseminating information to a wide range of people. The centralized system provides an opportunity to visualize in real time data and information about the state of the meteorological situation for the water area off the coast of Shabla municipality, with the preventive aim of ensuring the safety of fishermen, tourists and those practicing sea sports.


The total project budget is BGN 245,749.19 excluding VAT, of which 85% in the amount of BGN 208,886.81 is provided by the European Union through the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and 15% in the amount of 36 BGN 862.38 from the state budget of the Republic of Bulgaria.

The centralized system for monitoring meteorological conditions and video surveillance in Shabla Municipality plays a key role in improving safety and awareness in the maritime area.

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